Carmine Gallo’s keynotes, books, and ideas transform CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leaders around the world.

THE executive

“I created a ‘Gallo inspired’ boot camp where I introduced senior leaders Carmine’s content and I applied the strategies and ideas of building a story.”

-CHRIS, Construction Executive

THE executive

THE $875M PowerPoint

the challenge

Chris worked as a marketing executive for a small to mid-sized construction company that supplies equipment for massive construction or energy projects. It’s a fiercely competitive business and Chris’s company found it difficult to stand apart from its peers. 

Chris was responsible for arranging presentations to prospects. He realized the company wasn’t getting the traction it deserved or enough business to keep going. The presentations failed to deliver solid leads and Chris thought his role would come to a quick end.

the result

In the very next public presentation, customers began to engage with the company. Chris’s construction company won four contracts that were worth $5 to $40 million each. An executive from a major energy company had attended one of the presentations. Six months after the presentation, the executive asked Chris’s company to bid on a massive project. The executive said the presentation and the company’s innovative storytelling caught his attention. 

Chris’s company signed a $875 million deal, the largest contract in the company’s history.


Feeling frustrated, Chris went to a bookstore to clear his head. He saw Carmine’s book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and bought it on a whim. He read it and was so excited about the content he went back and bought 18 copies for his team to read. He eventually bought 100 more. According to Chris, “I created a ‘Gallo inspired’ boot-camp where I introduced senior leaders to Carmine’s content and YouTube clips. I applied the strategies and ideas of building a story around our safety record, our innovative processes, etc.”


“Carmine, because of your books we created a program in our company that awards workers when they think of innovations that save us time and money. We film each winner telling their headline, their idea and their story. It is so successful that other companies in our field want to use it, including our clients!”

Construction Executive


Gallo Communications Group
350 Main Street
Pleasanton, CA 94566