Talk Like TED Presentation and

Public Speaking Workshops

Learn techniques based on Carmine’s international bestseller on public speaking, Talk Like TEDThe 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds

Ideas are the currency of the 21st century. The ability to communicate your ideas persuasively is the single greatest skill that you can build today to gain a competitive edge. Through stories, videos, case examples, and interviews with famous TED speakers, Carmine’s workshop will provide attendees with a customized method they can use immediately to deliver inspiring presentations that are engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Attendees will learn:

-How to create a presentation your audience will never forget

-How to adopt Aristotle’s persuasion formula

-How to identify and tell the three types of stories

-How to build a message map that tells your story on one page

-How to rehearse for a confident delivery

-How to identify your main point (Logline) and supporting messages

-How to make data instantly memorable

-How to grab and hold the audience’s attention

-How to practice and rehearse like Steve Jobs

Working with Carmine

Are you interested in becoming a captivating communicator, extraordinary presenter and inspiring storyteller? We work one-on-one or in groups to help executives and speakers tell their stories. Using our unique messaging structure, we’ll help you develop and deliver your ideas to win over hearts and minds.

Carmine is represented by Tom Neilssen of BrightSight Speakers. Provide us your contact information and we can connect you with Tom to discuss Carmine’s services, availability, and fees.

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