Carmine Gallo


Press coverage of Carmine’s books and ideas

August 31, 2022

Harvard Business Review

How Educators Can Use Storytelling to Engage Learners

Carmine Gallo was invited to contribute an essay for HBR. He reveals attention-grabbing and engagement techniques for teachers and educators. READ

October 14, 2021


Elon Musk Inspires Teams to Achieve the Impossible

CleanTechnica cities Carmine Gallo’s insights on Elon Musk’s persuasive skills. READ

October 14, 2021


Elon Musk Explains Complexity to Mere Mortals

A website dedicated to electric cars highlights one of Carmine’s Forbes articles. READ

June 23, 2021

Carmine Gallo Featured on CNN

CNN asked Carmine to break down the world’s greatest speeches, starting with Steve Jobs at Stanford. WATCH VIDEO

May 25, 2021

Talk Like TED When You Need Motivation

Carmine’s book named one of 5 books to read when you feel uninspired.

“This book is a great read that will inspire you to search for your niche.” READ

May 17, 2021

Popular Doctor/Blogger Recommends Carmine’s Books

“These are the books that make me who I am today. I trust you will find them useful as well.” KevinMD  READ

Carmine’s Book, Five Stars, Featured in the December 2019 Issue of the Harvard Business Review

Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great, by the consultant Carmine Gallo, shares the best practices of gifted communicators throughout history, from Aristotle to Steve Jobs, as well as inspirational tidbits—such as how Hollywood’s preferred three-act storytelling structure works surprisingly well for business presentations. “Mastering the ancient art of persuasion… is no longer a soft skill. It is a fundamental skill… in the age of ideas,” Gallo says.

Carmine’s Communication Strategies Featured in Business Insider

Learn how an entrepreneur raised nearly $500 million in funding after reading one of Carmine’s books, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs.

India Free Press Article

Carmine’s Talk Like TED featured in India’s Free Press.

Thrive Global

Thrive Global Columnist Includes Carmine’s Book In Her Ambitious Reading Goal

Talk Like TED: A Book Every Marketer Should Read

In a survey of 159 professional marketers, Carmine Gallo’s “Talk Like TED” landed at #16 on the list of books every marketer should read. “Talk Like TED’ explains how great stories need to be told.”

Strong Speaking Skills Will Take You From Good to Great asks Carmine Gallo how to be more confident, eloquent, and engaging.

ComputerWorld Recommends Carmine’s Books for Business Leaders

“The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs” is a good place to start for enterprise workers who want to get their point across.

A New Carmine Gallo Book You Can Read in Under an Hour

The publisher, Simple Truths, reformatted one of Carmine’s public-speaking books in a small, hardcover format.

Carmine’s 30-minute Interview on ‘The Upgrade; podcast by LifeHacker

In this episode of the popular podcast, Carmine talks about the role of emotion in persuasive speaking.

“Packed With Strategies For Mastering the Art of Persuasion”

Five Stars reviewed in School Administrator, a leadership magazine for school superintendents and educational leaders. 

Entrepreneur Credits Carmine’s Book for Crowdfunding Success

Inventor reads Carmine’s “phenomenal” book to raise $300,000 in 14 minutes.

The Enterprisers Project Chooses Five Stars

The Enterprisers Project, a Community of CIOs, Picks “Five Stars” as a Must-Read Book to Improve Leadership Communication Skills

The Golf Channel Interviews Carmine Gallo

The Golf Channel interviewed Carmine to talk about the Tiger Woods comeback story and why humans are hardwired to embrace tales of redemption.

Master the Art of Persuasion

The Venture Podcast invited Carmine to talk about the role of persuasion in a startup’s success.

Carmine’s Guest Appearance on The Mentors Radio Show

Radio host, Tom Loarie, is a fan of Carmine’s books. He invited Carmine on the show to talk about the communication secrets of history’s greatest influencers.

The Founder of a $1.7 Billion Startup Says Carmine Gallo’s “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs” Taught Him How to Build a Winning Pitch

“Figuring out how to clearly, cleanly, simply, and concisely articulate what you’re trying to do may be your most important job.” Henry Ward, founder and CEO, Carta

Another Successful Harvard Class

Carmine Gallo celebrates another successful year as program advisor and instructor at Harvard University

Five Star Organizations Make Emotional Connections

RM Travel World, a leading travel radio show on 415 stations, interviewed Carmine about his book, “Five Stars.”

Business Insider features Carmine’s Analysis of Apple’s Brilliant Presentation Techniques

Article: Tim Cook and other Apple leaders use this clever presentation hack to make their slides memorable — and they borrowed it from Steve Jobs

CIO Features Carmine Gallo’s Content features Carmine’s analysis of Amazon’s storytelling culture

Carmine’s Book Featured On

Award-Winning Franchisees Dream Big By Reading Carmine’s Book, “Five Stars”

The Storyteller’s Secret Featured In CBC Article

Carmine’s bestselling book, The Storyteller’s Secret, featured in a CBC Sports article on how Tokyo won the 2020 Olympics

Carmine Drops By His Hometown Book Club

An executive book club in Carmine’s town got a thrill when the author dropped in.

Carmine Gallo Appearance On The Learner’s Corner Podcast

Storytelling is the one skill you can build today to stand out as a leader. Listen to Carmine’s guest appearance on The Learner’s Corner podcast.

Athletes Stories Are Golden

Carmine’s ideas on storytelling are featured in an issue of Paralympian Magazine

Carmine’s Books Featured In Entrepreneur

Carmine’s books on communication skills featured in Entrepreneur Magazine

Your Story India Features Five Stars

Your Story, an India-Based website for entrepreneurs, says “Five Stars” is a great book for innovators in any field.

Carmine wrote “The Art of the Elevator Pitch” for OnPoint, a publication of the Harvard Business Review.

The Largest English Newspaper In The Middle East Covers Carmine’s Appearance At The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair

“Mastering the ancient art of persuasion is more fundamental today than ever before in history,” – Carmine Gallo

Carmine Interview With DigiDay

In an interview for DigiDay, Carmine explains why brands copy the Apple Store