Carmine Gallo


Press coverage of Carmine’s books and ideas

August 31, 2022

Harvard Business Review

How Educators Can Use Storytelling to Engage Learners

Carmine Gallo was invited to contribute an essay for HBR. He reveals attention-grabbing and engagement techniques for teachers and educators. READ

October 14, 2021


Elon Musk Inspires Teams to Achieve the Impossible

CleanTechnica cities Carmine Gallo’s insights on Elon Musk’s persuasive skills. READ

October 14, 2021


Elon Musk Explains Complexity to Mere Mortals

A website dedicated to electric cars highlights one of Carmine’s Forbes articles. READ

June 23, 2021

Carmine Gallo Featured on CNN

CNN asked Carmine to break down the world’s greatest speeches, starting with Steve Jobs at Stanford. WATCH VIDEO

May 25, 2021

Talk Like TED When You Need Motivation

Carmine’s book named one of 5 books to read when you feel uninspired.

“This book is a great read that will inspire you to search for your niche.” READ

May 17, 2021

Popular Doctor/Blogger Recommends Carmine’s Books

“These are the books that make me who I am today. I trust you will find them useful as well.” KevinMD  READ

Indian Hockey Pro Reads Carmine’s Books for Motivation

“I love reading motivational books, autobiographies and biographies.”

Business Leader Encourages Northern Irish Entrepreneurs to Read Carmine’s Books

“Too many businesses in Northern Ireland think in terms of success and in business. I love people who try to challenge the norm – like Carmine Gallo.”

Communication Tips for HR Pros

A popular HR website cites Carmine’s 4 keys for communicating in a crisis

Texas Tech Adds Carmine’s Books to Leadership Library

Carmine’s books join titles by John Maxwell, Patrick Lencioni, Daniel Pink, Simon Sinek, and Jim Collins.

Build Unshakable Self-Confidence

Carmine was invited to join former Extra TV anchor Suzanne Sena on her popular podcast, “The Confidence Connection.” Carmine shared tips on building confidence, overcoming the fear of public speaking, and why your internal dialogue is the most important conversation you’ll have.

Carmine’s Articles Top Forbes Best Career Posts of 2020

Readers loved learning about career advice from Bill Gates, courtesy of Forbes senior contributor Carmine Gallo

Data Visualization is Good for Democracy

Carmine’s ideas are cited in the science section of The Wire, a popular website in India

Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

Carmine appeared on the Jake and Gino real-estate investing podcast to talk about storytelling, his first book on Steve Jobs, and his entrepreneurship journey. “You can have a great idea, but if you can’t communicate that idea in a way that excites your listeners, you’ll still get left behind.

Five Stars Published in Romania

Carmine’s book, Five Stars, was just published in Romania by Curtea Veche Publishing. They invited Carmine to record a 15-minute video explaining the book for Romanian readers.

Talk Like TED is Required Reading for Financial Advisors

“Clients value advisors with good communication skills,” according to financial advisors who recommend Carmine’s Talk Like TED.

Medical Sales Pros Read Talk Like TED

A magazine dedicated to medical sales professionals recommends Carmine’s Talk Like TED to help them advance their careers.

Look Sharp

Invision Magazine, the primary publication for the eyecare industry, offered Carmine’s tips in its November 2020 issue. “Always dress a little better than everyone else.”

Carmine’s book mentioned in USA Today article

Carmine Gallo has studied Jobs and Apple for years. He has written several books on the subject, including The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. (I have also had Gallo on my podcast. You can hear the fascinating interview here.)

Gallo says that the secret to Apple’s incredible turnaround was not just Jobs’ charisma and smarts, but also his ability to get everyone motivated behind a vision bigger than either money or the business.

“In my keynotes about inspirational leadership, I often show a grainy video clip of Steve Jobs holding a small staff meeting in 1997. Jobs had returned to Apple about eight weeks earlier. The video shows Jobs delivering an intense and passionate message to a small group of employees. The passion he showed and the question he raised would inspire his team to dig their way out of the hole,” Gallo says.

Talk Like TED is ‘Groundbreaking Book’ for Real Estate Agents

According to a popular news site for real estate agents, Carmine’s Talk Like TED is one of 10 books that every agent should read to improve their professional life.

Carmine Gallo Featured in Dutch Magazine

“We’re all storytellers. You’re telling stories every day. In a business presentation, you’re telling the story behind your campaign, company or product. In a job interview, you’re telling the story behind your personal brand.” – Carmine Gallo in Holland Times

Leadership Journal Recommends Five Stars

Leadership Journal Recommends “Five Stars” for Career/Professional Reinvention

Carmine’s books are a must-read for anyone who needs to reinvent their career, a topic that’s more important now than ever.

Business Insider Shares Carmine’s Ideas on Building a Mindset for Success

Carmine Gallo is a “communication expert and advisor who has studied cognitive psychology for 20 years.”

Business Insider Asks Carmine for his Recommended Reading List

(premium subscription required)

The Apple Experience Featured in Forbes

Carmine’s book, The Apple Experience, listed in Forbes as one of the top 16 books to improve the customer experience.

MBA Students Read Carmine’s ‘Talk Like TED’

Carmine Gallo has a special message for graduate students at Strayer University. Strayer’s MBA in digital entrepreneurship requires students to read “Talk Like TED” and to watch some of Carmine’s videos. Article

Hospitality leaders look to Carmine for communication advice in the coronavirus crisis

The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast

The Public Speaking Secrets From TED Speakers & Business Legends With Carmine Gallo

Carmine’s New Speaking App Launches

A new public-speaking mobile app is like having a coach by your side.

Carmine’s Book on Steve Jobs Featured in the Philippines

Steve Jobs was the ultimate communicator, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the newspaper of record.

Talk Like TED French Edition

The French edition of Carmine Gallo’s international bestseller, Talk Like TED, rose to the top 25 business books in Canada.

The Apple Experience is One of the Best Books on Customer Experience

“Carmine Gallo offers Apple’s five core principles of service that have defined how the company revolutionized the in-store experience and how their employees actively engage customers.”

Lawyers Use Carmine’s Ideas to Convice Jurors

In “Above the Law,” a blog for the legal profession, a trial attorney cites Carmine’s ‘rule of three’ as an effective persuasion tactic.

Carmine’s Articles a Must-Read for Educators

A high school teacher and author cites Carmine’s articles for the Harvard Business Review as providing the best tips for helping students prepare for presentations.

Barnes & Noble and Target Stores Feature New Small-Format Book by Carmine Gallo

Ignite Reads – books intended to be read in under an hour—published one of Carmine’s previous books in a new hardcover format: 10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators

Carmine’s Book, Five Stars, Featured in the December 2019 Issue of the Harvard Business Review

Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great, by the consultant Carmine Gallo, shares the best practices of gifted communicators throughout history, from Aristotle to Steve Jobs, as well as inspirational tidbits—such as how Hollywood’s preferred three-act storytelling structure works surprisingly well for business presentations. “Mastering the ancient art of persuasion…is no longer a soft skill. It is the fundamental skill…in the age of ideas,” Gallo says.