5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers

“Presentation literacy” isn’t an option anymore, according to TED Talks curator Chris Anderson. “It’s a core skill for the twenty-first century.” Anderson calls presentation and public-speaking skills a “superpower” for those who want to express their ideas. TED...

Storytelling: The Human Edge In An Age of Robots

Ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century. In the information age you are only as valuable as your ideas. Your ability to package your ideas with emotion, context, and relevancy is the one skill that will make you more valuable in the next decade. During a...

How Storytelling Hooks Your Audience

If you want people to pay attention to you, wrap your idea in a story. The story provides the bliss point; the moment your audience falls in love. In music the bliss point is ‘the hook,’ the lines and beats that turn a song into a hit. In pop music a handful of...