I Have Never Been Better

“All of the principles from your books I use to this day. It all started from the day I saw you on YouTube then bought your book. I have never been better financially, mentally and physically.”

– Justin Williams, Sydney, Australia

How To WOW Your Audience

This is one of the best How to… books on presentations. Recommended by a friend. I have nearly devoured its contents. This is a second purchase. How many books were good enough for you to WANT to replace it. That may just say it all. “Steve’s mind in your briefcase” now that’s a concept.

-J. C. Brown CSP, (five-star Amazon.com review)

Must Read For Business Professionals

Steve Jobs was a master presenter and this book helps you understand his genius. If you are presenting at work then you need to read this book to get a better understand of how to convey your ideas effectively. It’s a must read for business professionals.

-Preston Miller, (five-star Amazon.com review)


Terrific Lessons In This Book

Terrific Lessons in this Book; especially for professional speakers and those who want to be. The videos are effective and the writing style makes this a page turner. I am a successful professional speaker and will be even more successful with the lessons learned in this book.

A Great Business Investment & A Pleasure To Read

Very good purchase – returned in results much more than I paid for it. I’d recommend it to anyone who realizes that they can do better in their presentations, but isn’t sure how to go about it. Much more thorough and effective than the occasional articles about presentations you may see in various places, with hands-on advice and examples. And a pleasure to read as well!

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– five-star Amazon.com review

I Wish Every Presenter Followed This Guide

Very clear and actionable. Not so much about Steve Jobs as it was about the steps to a great presentation. Mr. Jobs was just a great example to follow throughout. Read a couple of chapters, then go watch Jobs on YouTube, and you’ll be on your way. This is a must read for … you.

-John Donahue (five-star Amazon.com review)

Great Practical Advice For Presentations

Great practical advice for presentations. Some were common sense things I should have been doing and were easy to incorporate into my presentations. Others will take me some time to master, such as just spending much more time practicing for presentations.

(five-star Amazon.com review)

Thank You For Improving the World!

I have read your 2 books on the Presentation and Innovation secrets of Steve Jobs. I have also watched on YouTube your speech at Stanford where you help people better sell their ideas the Steve Jobs’ way. Many concepts got clearer to me. Eg innovation, a mission statement vs. vision, why the ability to communicate is so important, etc. I just wanted to thank you for improving the World!

— Serge B.

My Guide To Presentations

“I read your book The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs when preparing for a little presentation at College. I found it by chance in the Manly Library, in Sydney, Australia and made a huge impact on me. It has become my guide to the presentations I am often invited to and I even prepared a Ted talk last year with it: http://www.marisol.com.au/Love_to_Talk.php. Thank you so much for your systematic approach to presenting and for sharing your knowledge and experience.” — Marisol