Craig W. Turner
President of Momentum Public Affairs, LLC
“I’ve been a big fan of Carmine Gallo for a while. Now, after reading this latest book, I’m even more so. I’ve literally taken multiple pieces of guidance out of this book and put them directly into a presentation I have this week. Highly recommended.”
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Johanna Pfeiffer
“May be the fastest I’ve read a book since @Bourdain Kitchen Confidential.
So many applicable tidbits for professional & personal life!! Let’s just say I took lists of active notes.
I know I’ll pick this gem up again.”
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Michael Smith
Communication Director
“I consider Carmine’s books and articles among the best investments I’ve made in my career. Highly recommended.”
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Rachel Gorman
Executive Coach / Master Facilitator / Speaker
“Carmine Gallo – I am in the midst of reading 5 Stars and loving it. I have also been recommending it to everyone – colleagues and clients… with globalization, automation and AI disrupting every field – mastering “communication is no longer a ‘soft skill – it is the human edge that will make you unstoppable, irresistible, and irreplaceable.”
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An amazing book
“Five Stars…an amazing book on communication by Carmine Gallo. Every page is so valuable. Great reading and learning.”
@IgnaceDelhi via Twitter

David Noble
“Thank you for writing Five Stars! It’s a game changer without a doubt.”
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Puttaiah Arugunta
“My first step to be successful. Thank you Carmine Gallo for such an inspiring book. Love your persuasiveness so far.”
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Júlio De Araújo Quintela
Marketing Director
“Preparing next month readings. This time I’ll dive into Carmine Gallo’s Five Stars masterpiece and learn how to unlock greatness in communication!!”
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Steve Gladis
Author/ George Mason University Professor
I can highly recommend this book
Talk This Way!
“Using a host of TED Talks, Carmine Gallo offers a powerful argument for how to deliver public presentations. Having taught speech for over 20 years and being a former speechwriter, I can highly recommend this book. Gallo suggests speaking with emotion and passion; telling compelling, relevant stories; having a conversation with the audience; teaching something new; inserting show-stopping elements; using situational and personal humor; and, delivering information in short 10-minute segments punctuated by soft breaks—stories, pictures, videos.”
via Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

Thomas Emge
“I was given Five Stars as a gift and couldn’t put it down. I’ve given many internal and external presentations where I felt like I did a great job. Looking back, I bet they were just average or slightly above.
There are two themes that I have put into practice immediately (in conversations and daily interactions, but also in my next presentation). 1) Make complex information simple to understand and 2) figure out how to tell my story to engage my audience.”
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Tracy Collins
“Loved this book! I didn’t want it to end; loved all the info!”
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Dave Clarkson
“Just finished Five Stars… so much learning, thank you, Carmine Gallo, you have introduced me to an even bigger reading list…but then, that is one of the big secrets.”
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Jason Castro
Managing Director, UBS Wealth Advisors
“In a fast-paced world where technology is disrupting the status quo, communication is the exponential edge. Carmine explains that “combining words and ideas to move people to action” is the differentiator. Going from good too great and becoming indispensable is a matter of mastering the ancient art of persuasion and the ability to simplify messages. “Five Stars” is the guide for achieving and performing and a must read for leaders in any industry.”

Malene Fjaertoft
“The book Five Stars by Carmine Gallo is probably the best communication book I’ve read. He walks the talk. Even a Norwegian with English as a second language could read it, without a dictionary for the hardest terminologies.”
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Becky Webber
“I have just finished reading your latest book Five Stars! Absolutely superb! I’ve learnt so much from reading it! Thank you for inspiring me to develop my storytelling and communication skills. The best self development book I’ve read to date!
If you are passionate about self-improvement and want to develop your communication skills to be more influential and persuasive, this book is a fabulous read!”
Great for honing your interview techniques, delivering a compelling speech or pitching a new idea!
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Michael Peterman
“I loved Five Stars. Making both of my kids read it and picked up copies for people in my office to pass around. Really outstanding. It’s great that at this stage in my career, I have something to inspire me.”
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Jeroen Van Gend
“I want to thank you, you clearly have the gift! I have been listing to 2 of your books (Five Stars and The Storyteller’s Secret) during my commute in the last two weeks. I have to say that I never have been more inspired in my life up to this point and I want the books as hard copies too. …The knowledge I [have gained] is really great, but I was missing something. After listening to your books, I understand that the missing link is being great in communication. Because of you I set a new goal in my life and it is to become not good, but great in communication. Again, than you very much!”
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David Lewis
Senior Vice President of Business Development
“Carmine, I just finished Five Stars. It was fantastic!!! Thank you for writing such an amazing book. It, along with The Storyteller’s Secret, have drastically changed my approach to speaking. You’re awesome!”
via LinkedIn
Excellent read
Got this on audible. Very insightful, great book. Perhaps one of the best I’ve read this year. Now on to practice my story telling!
Amazon Five Star Review
Totally fantastic book
This book is well written and well researched. It is timely in that it addresses peoples fears of artificial intelligence and shows that there is nothing to be feared because we can do things that computers will never be able to replicate that is; the heart, passion and the ability to communicate effectively. I highly recommend this book.
Amazon Five Star Review
Awesome Book!
What a great read! This book inspired me, in leading our training. It was such a quick and informative read.
Amazon Five Star Review

Carmine Gallo’s book Five Stars is now required reading at BimTech, one of India’s top business schools.
What a terrific book!
Wow, what a terrific book! Carmine Gallo has done it again, hitting the nail right on the head. I appreciate his emphasis on the importance of people skills in this highly technical society. All parents ought to read this. If we really want to prepare our children to succeed in the job market, we will heed Gallo’s advice and work a lot harder on their social skills, ability to persuade others, and get along with a wide variety of people. A must-read!
Amazon review

I believe Five Stars is your best book so far.
Carmine, I recently returned from a meeting during which I read your great new book, Five Stars on the plane ride. Some sections I read twice. As you can see I have now added this to your most recent, prior two books and they all are now carefully placed alongside your Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs book on my office bookshelf. I have to tell you Carmine I believe Five Stars is your best book so far. I was amazed at how many current, very applicable and pertinent references and studies you included in your newest book. It is a top-notch effort; you continue to provide and share fantastic information and insights with all of us who are seeking to continually get better and improve. Keep writing.
Director of Client Development
So amazing!
…I’m reading Five Stars by Carmine Gallo right now and it is so amazing! So many underlines and I’m only in the introduction 🙂
@Stella_Pollard via Twitter
What a terrific book! Carmine Gallo has done it again
Wow, what a terrific book! Carmine Gallo has done it again, hitting the nail on the head. I appreciate his emphasis on the importance of people skills in his highly technical society. All parents ought to read this. If we really want to prepare our children to succeed in the job market, we heed Gallo’s advice and work a lot harder on their social skills, ability to persuade others, and get along with a wide variety of people. A must-read!
5 star amazon review

How to master the ancient art of persuasion by combining words and ideas to move people to high-impact action
I have read and reviewed all of Carmine Gallo’s previously published books. Each is a bestseller and a brilliant achievement. The quality of his cognitive skills are unsurpassed as is the eloquence of his lively writing style. I agree with him: “Mastering the ancient art of persuasion — combining words and ideas to love people to action — is no longer a ‘soft’ skill. It is the fundamental skill to get from good to great in the age of ideas.”
How so “ancient art”? Gallo refers to Aristotle’s classic work, Rhetoric, in which exposition, description, narration, and argumentation are identified — and explained — as the “four levels of discourse.” Each has a primary function: to explain with information, make vivid with compelling details, tell a story or explain a process, and convince with logic and/or evidence. At least three of them are usually involved in effective communication.
Description seems to be the most difficult to master. If you wonder why, try describing with figurative language what it feels like to have a foot asleep. The best description I know of that was provided by a third-grader in an elementary school in San Diego: “It feels like ginger ale.”
I wholly agree with Gallo that communication skills are anything but “soft,” especially at a time when AI plays an increasingly more important role in the global marketplace. He observes, “As machines get smarter, millions of jobs will be eliminated. It;s already happening and there’s no dispute about it. The good news according to the historians, scientists, and experts who I’ve interviewed is that AI opens up opportunities for more jobs to be created. As a LinkedIn report suggests, work is being transformed — not eliminated. We can thrive in an AI world if we reconsider the type of skills that set us apart. Skills like communication, long considered ‘soft skills,’ are the ones that will give humans an edge that no machine can replace. Skills like empathy, communication, innovation, and imagination are the ones that will help individuals get ahead in a data centric world.”
Near the end of his latest book, Carmine Gallo asserts that great communicators are made, not born; that neuroscientists have identified two techniques that will help people when the pressure is on: reappraisal and repetition; and that reappraisal simply means reframing the way you you think about yourself and the events in your life. These are key points.
Almost all of the information, insights, and counsel in this book can be invaluable when preparing to make a TED talk that — over time — may be seen by millions of people or when preparing to present a proposal for a major project to one’s supervisor. In both situations, “good enough” isn’t because good is the enemy of great.
Why settle for less than your very best now, especially when it can drive becoming even better? Sprint — do not jog — to obtain a copy of this book as well as a copy of Carmine Gallo’s previously published classic, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience (2009).
Your call.
Amazon Hall of Fame Vine Voice Reviewer

5 Stars!
I am an educator. This means that my level of persuasion, passion, and communication skills needs to be sharp. I spend my days instructing middle schoolers in math and science. Five Stars has offered so much insight on how to be an effective communicator. I loved that the book was filled with relatable stories that I can reflect on. Five Stars was engaging and empowering with each turn of the page. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to work on growing in communication.
5 star amazon review