Editor-in-Chief of Retirement Advisor, a magazine for insurance professionals, calls Talk Like TED one of the five books “That have had the most impact on my career.”
4. Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds (St. Martin’s Press; March, 2014) By Carmine Gallo
Background: As advisors, more than likely you are speaking to groups of people weekly if not daily. But is your message hitting its mark? TED and associated Tedx conferences are being viewed at a rate of 1.5 million times a day through live events and a variety of video and podcast outlets. There’s a reason for that—the TED formula.
Takeaway: Effective speakers keep their messages short, entertaining, emotional and to the point.
Quote: “Great communicators reach your head and touch your heart. Most people who deliver a presentation forget the “heart” part.”